"From earth sprang herbs, from herbs food, from food seed, from seed man. Man thus consists of the essence of food. From food are all creatures produced, by food do they grow. The self consists of food, of breath, of mind, of understanding, of bliss."
- The Upanishad

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A New Beginning

I never thought in the proverbial 'thousand years' that I would publish my own blog. I'm not a big fan of the 'blogosphere', but as this is a classroom assignment, here goes.

I am in culinary school, and as part of our assignments, we are to create and maintain our own blog. I will begin mine by relating to you my first day of class. I don't mind saying that this class is a bit of a bitch. It is eight hours straight, with only one twenty minute break.

We learned about eggs, lot's of eggs. After our lecture and a tour of the kitchen, we cooked sunny side up eggs, over easy eggs, soft and hard cooked eggs, and finished up the egg portion with a Gruyere and chive rolled omelet. I was a bit out of practice, so it took me a couple of times, but I eventually got a product that I was satisfied with.

One of our students was cut. It was nothing major, just a nick, but no more than a few minutes later she got cut again, this time much worse. Some bonehead had left their chef's knife in a sink full of soapy water, and when she reached in, she really got it. She had to get stitches both inside and out. I'll tell you one thing- if this was one of my kitchens, I would most probably bounced the perpetrators' ass right out of there. Anyway, I hope she heals up well and at least I hope they both learned a valuable lesson.

I came across a couple of terms in my notes, and for the life of me, I can't remember their exact importance. One is "Onsen Tamago" , which means 'Hot Spring Egg'. It is basically a poached egg served in a bowl of miso with a few green onions and some shoyu, which is a popular Japanese breakfast dish. I'll try and find a photo to post for next time.

The next term was "Arzak Egg" This is an egg that is bundled in film with a bit of goose fat and truffle before poaching. Sounds good. I'll try and find a pic for that one also.

For my next post, I'll upload a picture of a classic rolled and stuffed French omelet, providing I can beg or borrow a camera.

Ciao, Steven

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