"From earth sprang herbs, from herbs food, from food seed, from seed man. Man thus consists of the essence of food. From food are all creatures produced, by food do they grow. The self consists of food, of breath, of mind, of understanding, of bliss."
- The Upanishad

Friday, May 21, 2010

Well, we did our final practical exam, and I'm happy to say that I passed it by the 'hair of my chinny chin chin'. The dish was a sauteed salmon Nicoise salad. My portions were too large, and my beans were slightly overdone, but this is because these conform to the local tastes, and I still find it hard to pull back on these kind of things just out of habit. My knife skills are still mediocre, but I'm afraid that is as good as they will ever be. Too bad.

I have also finished my final exam, which I aced, thank you very much, so this class is over. I'll have to say that I will miss it in a masochistic sort of way. The course was tough, but that is just what I needed.

I look forward to continuing my education, and seeing everyone this Summer. Ciao.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Last week wasn't too bad. We made braised beef ribs with a celery root puree and carrots Vichy. Luckily for us, our food wasn't bad, as we continue to have problems with the final plating. Hopefully, these problems will be resolved in the next week, as our final grade will be determined in large part by this. Wish us luck.